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Seasonal Ecstasy {Week 10 CSA}


In contrast to the sleepy pace of the cold season, the summer is ablaze in ecstatic glory of growth and fertility. Throughout nature, this is hands down the best party of the year.

For us humans, perhaps it's even better in a quasi-post-pandemic year. As if the contrast between the seasons isn't enough, the experience of life after lockdowns hardly needed summer at all. The laughs all seem heartier, the smiles wider, and the appreciation for camaraderie deep and sincere.

We're taking a brief pause from the bountiful hustle to appreciate the beauty and intensity of the season. The flowers that race towards the sky, dancing with bees and wasps and butterflies all the while. The cicadas serenading us through the day, passing the mic to summer's crickets at dusk. And the untamed desire within us two-leggeds to jump into the season like we're diving into Tahoe's crystal blues.

Yes, sweet, juicy summer. It's no surprise that so many songs have been written in her honor. From her delicious fruits to her endless outdoor invitations, it's the season many of us begin dreaming about before spring's even arrived! Summer is as soothing and nourishing as she is racy and intense — a complete celebration of life in full expression.

On the farm, this season carries an interesting mix of appreciation. Farmers typically enjoy being outside more than any other place, but the typical excursions and vacations that characterize summer for many are far from the farmer's world. The heat of the season (especially this year) means a small irrigation failure could mean disaster for many weeks to come. The rapid plant growth means crops and weeds alike rarely get the attention they need, even with a robust peak season team. Sometimes we feel like life gave us all these extra hours of sunshine just so we have enough time for what peak season farming demands.

But there's nostalgia even to the tired and sore end to a summer day on the farm. A charm to the hands and feet that still look dirty after washing them. Just like in nature, the work and productivity of the peak season literally fuel the rest of the year. Our farm may continue to grow into the winter, but its activity and income pale in comparison to now. We're keenly aware of how our long days tending to the land now mean long nights of reclusive rest in six months. Such is the balance of nature.

This is all to say, party on! Go out and enjoy that festive evening with friends, that lake swim after a hike, that dessert after a dessert. Stay up late to watch the stars and dance outside whenever you get the chance. Summer is our invitation to relish these precious, beautiful lives.

Summer is for sunflowers!


Inside Your Box This Week

Slicer Tomatoes

White Kohlrabi

Hakurei Turnips


Salad Mix








Recipes Worth Trying...

{click images to go to recipe}


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